Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Pet Health Issues.

Parvo is one of the smallest viruses found in the world.The Veterinary Doctors started noticing the virus in the later seventies. It was believed to be a mutation of the feline distemper virus. This highly contagious gastrointestinal infection is especially severe in puppies. When puppies are born they receive, in their mothers milk(colostrum) that is packed with protein and natural antibodies. This serves to protect the puppies for the first two months of their life. After that, you will want to visit your local veterinarian to start your puppy’s regiment of vaccines including the one for parvo that will be administered in a series.

The symptoms of Parvo are vomiting, bloody diarrhea, depression, severe dehydration, fever, lethargy and lack of appetite. In severe cases the diarrhea is unusually watery and frequently bloody. Do not try to treat your puppy at home! They need to be seen by your local veterinarian because the large amounts of intravenous fluids it requires which adds electrolytes back in your puppy that are lost fighting the virus.
The parvo virus is spread though infected animals feces. The virus is right at home in public areas such as parks and well traveled hiking trails. Until your puppy has had all of his shots, avoid any and all places that even remotely would contain shed parvo virus.

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